Project Include

Early Childhood Access through Adaptive Technology

What is Project Include?

The project provided training, support, and equipment to assist licensed Colorado family child care homes, child care centers, and preschools in developing learning environments and curriculums that support children, especially those with delays and disabilities. The project has ended. To learn more about the successes that were achieved throughout the state of Colorado, please view our end of project report.

To learn more about our new project to support child care providers throughout Colorado, please visit the Adapt to Impact website.

Don’t forget! The Universal Design and Inclusion Kits (such as the one pictured below) are still available to check out from many Early Childhood Councils! Please contact your local Early Childhood Council for more information.

We look forward to working with you again through Adapt to Impact!”


Communication and Literacy Kit unpacked with more than 20 colorful toys and tools including core boards, literacy manipulatives, adaptive books, and communication buttons

Facts and Figures

Young children paint a wooden bird house

Over 200 Programs

Over 200 licensed Colorado child care programs have explored a Universal Design & Inclusion Kit
A young girl points at colorful pictures on a poster

95% of Participants

When surveyed, over 95% of participants said items in the kits increased inclusion or participation
Two kids play with clay at a small table

52 Counties

Programs in more than 52 of Colorado's 64 counties have expressed interest in Project Include 

Quotes From Our Participants

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)

CU Denver

The Hub, Bioengineering

1224 5th Street

Suite 130

Denver, CO 80204


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