This module focuses on education of different faculty roles in higher education and the types of higher educational institutions.
Estimated time to completion: 6.5 hours
Come to the CFDA for conversation & coffee/tea (CFDA will schedule with your professor/program director. We will discuss different types of faculty positions, and different types of higher education institutions (1 hour).
Types of Institutions: "A Pocket Primer on Types of Higher Education Institutions" *
Types of Positions
Prepare your CV using CU Denver's CV Template (2 hours)
Search the Chronicle of Higher Education* the American Psychological Association, and/or other sources for academic positions. Identify a position and prepare a cover letter for this position. Read the University of Illinois' Academic Cover Letters for guidance (2 hours).
NCFDD: Live on Zoom: Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors, & Collaborators
Spend some time afterwards mapping out your network (1.5 hours).
*The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside HigherEd will give you a limited number of articles free online. You can always search for these publications in full text through the Auraria Library.