Wild West Tour
A Rip Roarin’ Good Time!

By Joanne Wambeke
Forty-two students, including two PALs (Peer Advocate Leaders), and four staff hopped on board the motor coach bright and early the morning of Friday, October 25th, to begin an all-day adventure to Colorado Springs. Qifeng Xu, an ICB alumnus studying for his master’s in marketing at the University of Colorado Denver Business School said, “The interesting ‘quiz’ that we had on the way to our destination helped me to learn some history events of Colorado.”
The Colorado Trivia Quiz covered topics such as the Homestead Act of 1862, historic facts about famous Coloradoans such as Molly Brown and Buffalo Bill Cody, and a bit of the mining and geological history of the state.Arriving at Rock Ledge Ranch Historic site, students enjoyed a two-hour tour of this living history farm and museum. The setting depicts life in the Pikes Peak region during four time periods: that of the American Indian in 1775, the 1860’s Galloway Homestead, the 1880’s Chambers Home and Ranch, and the 1907 Edwardian Country Estate.
Mary, the Native American interpreter, explained how the Native Americans made good use of every part of the animal – for example, using the horns of sheep for spoons and the bladders of wild animals for canteens. Grandma Ann instructed students on the life of a homesteader – for instance, how they made candles and soap out of pig fat and cooked roasts and bread in the clay oven located outside of the one-room cabin.
“Rock Ledge Ranch was an amazing view into how early settlers and Native Americans survived in Colorado. Having the chance to stand inside of a cabin that could have potentially housed up to 10 people gave me a glimpse into the trials and tribulations of settler life. I also learned about the Native American tribes of Colorado. It was really great having the chance to see the innovation and creativity that was required for the Native Americans to make complete use of every resource that was available to them,” reflected Halimah Hamidu, a Peer Advocate Leader.
After a delicious western barbeque lunch, the group high-tailed it back to the Garden of the Gods for a documentary video about the history of the Garden and how the beautiful rock formations were created. Students then had time to walk through the picturesque environment and enjoy the natural beauty.
Qifeng Xu summed it up by saying, “The Garden of the Gods is an awesome natural landscape. The huge and beautiful red rocks are really impressive. It’s a great place for photographers to explore on such a brilliant day. Personally I appreciate the natural landscape even more, and the tour was fascinating and meaningful for me.”
As the sun was getting low in the sky, the travelers boarded the bus to return to Denver. After a perfect Colorado day, they entertained themselves by learning the “Cowboy ABCs.” Do you know what “eating irons” are? How about “axle grease”? If not, perhaps you can join us for next year’s tour!
The bus arrived safely back in Denver before sundown. Just in time for students to prepare to “paint the town red” on a Friday night!
作者: Joanne Wambeke
四十二名学生,包括两名伙伴倡导领导人,以及四名工作人员在十月二十五日周五一大清早跳上了大巴车,开始了他们前往科罗拉多思普林斯的冒险之旅。徐奇峰是一名ICB 毕业生,他现在在科罗拉多大学商学院就读。他说,“在达到目的地的途中,我们通过猜谜小游戏了解了很多关于科罗拉多的历史文化。” 科罗拉多轶事小猜谜包含了如1862年的宅地法,著名科洲人茉莉布朗和水牛城比尔科迪,以及有关国家采矿和地质历史事件。
到达岩壁牧场古迹后,学生在接下来的两小时时间里参观了当地的活历史农场和博物馆。这些设施生动的描绘了派克峰地区的四个重要时期: 1775年的美国印第安人,1860年的加洛韦家园,1880年钱伯斯之家和牧场,以及1907年的爱德华七世时代的乡村庄园。
玛丽,一位本土美国印第安人和翻译,解释了美国原住民如何善用动物的每个部分 – 例如,用羊的角做的勺子和野生动物的膀胱做的水壶。安奶奶告诉学生们自耕农的基本生活 – 比如,他们是如何用猪的脂肪制作蜡烛和肥皂,以及利用小土屋的简易烤箱烹调烤肉和面包。
“岩壁牧场是一个惊人的人文景观探讨了早期移民和土著美国人如何在科罗拉多州定居和生活。通过这次机会我参观了能够安置多达10人的小木屋,初步了解了原住民们定居生活中所遇到的考验和磨难,也进一步的了解了科罗拉多州的印第安部落。这个地方展现了印第安人通过无限的创新和想象利用身边的一切资源来改善生活”,同伴倡导领导人之一Halimah Hamidu感慨到。
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