Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

The IPA is an invaluable experience that every faculty member at CU Denver can benefit from. For those just beginning their inclusive pedagogy journey, you will find an abundance of resources, concrete strategies to strengthen your courses, and helpful guidance along the way. For those with previous inclusive pedagogy experience (like myself), you will discover opportunities to build upon the strong foundation you already carry and gain fresh perspectives by collaborating with a CU Denver cohort. I cannot say enough great things about my time in the IPA. Truly, thank you! -Kristen Golden (CLAS)

CU Denver’s Inclusive Pedagogy Academy (IPA) is a faculty-led professional development program focused on supporting faculty as they work to create more meaningful, effective, and equitable learning experiences for all students.

This academy was developed and funded by the University of Colorado Denver Office for Access and Campus Engagement, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy Division (TIPS)

The Inclusive Pedagogy Academy will return in fall 2025! 

Want to know more about the IPA? Email questions to 

Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Outcomes 

  • Describe how inclusive pedagogies can be used to challenge inequitable social, cultural, and historical structures that impede student success in higher education
  • Examine how social identities and experiences shape the ways instructors and students perceive and participate in learning.
  • Implement equity-minded teaching practices and materials that are welcoming and responsive to the different identities, lived experiences, and needs of our students. 
  • Articulate how your teaching and learning attitudes and practices will promote equity and inclusion.

    Being part of the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy, I've grown in ways I couldn't have imagined at the beginning of the semester. Not only do I feel more grounded within a theoretical framework of inclusion and equity but I also have much greater confidence in my ability to implement this framework in tangible ways. The way that the IPA leadership structured the course and facilitated discussion encouraged me to imagine new possibilities for my classroom as well as engage with other teachers from a variety of departments and backgrounds. As a result, I am leaving IPA with a stronger connection the CU Denver community as a whole and more energized about my personal teaching practice. -Laurel Roth (CLAS)

    IPA Facilitators

    Common Questions

    IPA was just what I needed to carve out time to restructure and design course learning experiences that are inclusive and reflect UCD's student population. Working with other Faculty, Dr. Camacho Taylor and Dr. Bardhan was a unique experience where I felt safe and supported in exploring areas of inclusive pedagogy as well as unpacking my own personal bias. I found it highly inspiring and not only have I been able to design some course shifts I will implement next semester, but I am leaving with a ton of resources to continue this very meaningful work after the Academy has concluded. I am so grateful for this experience to push my instructional practice to the next level! -Kate Schamu (SEHD)
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