The loan library of adaptive equipment is available to licensed childcare programs in the state of Colorado who have completed the Adapt to Impact Intake Form and the Introduction to Universal Design training. Items can be borrowed for up to 6 weeks. As you complete additional topic trainings, library equipment to support that area of development will be available for check out as well.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can try one of our kits! These kits contain a selection of items to address an area of development. All items have a QR code that links to an instructional video detailing how to use the item. The kits are designed to address Communication & Literacy, Behavior & Cognition, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Vision & Hearing, or Infant Development.
Browse the links below to learn more about the adaptive toys, materials, and equipment that are available through the loan library and to explore our catalogue of equipment.
Link to Loan Library coming soon!
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