Table Top Scissors
Table top scissors require little-to-no finger movement and could be used instead with a palm, wrist or other body part to press the scissors down as they rest on the table.
Designed to promote inclusion and participation of children with disabilities or delays affecting motor development.
Item spotlights represent just a few examples to give you an idea of the types of items in the kit. Check out a kit to learn more! This spotlight does not constitute an endorsement.
Table Top Scissors
Table top scissors require little-to-no finger movement and could be used instead with a palm, wrist or other body part to press the scissors down as they rest on the table.
Stay Put Mat
The Stay Put Mat is a non-slip writing aid. It can come in handy for holding paper in place while a child writes or draws.
Jelly Bean Switch
A switch is an alternate way to activate a battery-operated toy instead of existing buttons or knobs on the toy itself. It is larger in size than typical buttons on toys and can be moved closer to the child for greater independence.
Roll Up Floor Chair
The HowdaHug roll-up seat is specifically designed for use during floor time. It supports children's backs and sides, which may be helpful for children with decreased endurance or balance.