Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Honors Policies


Academic standards: UHL students are required to maintain minimum academic standards as a condition of their continued participation in the UHL program and in order to graduate from CU Denver with the UHL designation. 

  • UHL students are required to maintain a 3.25 GPA in their UHL courses and cumulative GPA at CU Denver in order to remain in good standing in the UHL program.
  • Students who fail to meet GPA requirements will be placed on probation.
    • If the student has not achieved good standing in the program at the end of the first probationary semester, the student will remain on probation for a second semester and will lose the UHL scholarship for that semester.
    • If, at the end of the second semester of probation, the student has not achieved good standing in the program, the student will not be allowed to continue in the UHL program.
    • If the student returns to good standing within the program and is then placed on probation again in a subsequent semester, the student will lose the UHL scholarship for that semester and must return to good standing the following semester to remain in the program.
  • Students on UHL probation are not eligible to apply for UHL scholarships, fellowships, or study abroad programs.
  • Any student placed on academic probation by the University of Colorado Denver (GPA below 2.0) will be automatically removed from the UHL program.
  • Only grades of 2.7 (B-) or higher in UHL courses will satisfy UHL program requirements and be applied toward a UHL minor.
  • Students are expected to enroll in at least one UHL class each fall and spring semester. Deviations from this requirement must be approved by the UHL Advisor.

Full-time registration status: UHL students must be enrolled at CU Denver on a full-time basis (at least 12 hours of coursework each fall and spring semester) in order to receive the UHL scholarship and remain in good standing in the UHL Program. 
In the event that a student’s registration falls below 12 hours in the middle of the semester, the UHL program reserves the right to reduce or revoke the UHL scholarship for the following semester. 

Leave of absence: A student who wishes to take a break from studies may petition the UHL advisor in writing for a leave of absence from the program. The advisor will work with the student to determine the terms and length of the leave. 

Observance of the CU Denver Honor Code: Any action which violates a provision of the University of Colorado Denver Honor Code will be grounds for dismissal from the UHL Program, subsequent to review by the UHL Steering Committee. The student may appeal this decision or may subsequently apply for readmission to the UHL program. Whenever the violation results in suspension or expulsion from the University of Colorado Denver, the student is not eligible for subsequent reinstatement to the UHL program.  

UHL participation: One of the purposes of the UHL program is to have a positive influence on the University of Colorado Denver community. As a member of the UHL program, you will be required to participate in one service activity each semester (two per year) of which one must UHL sponsored.  

UHL Events: We value our cohort model and strive to build positive relationships among UHL members and with the wider campus community. As a member of the UHL program, you will be required to participate in one or two UHL campus events/receptions each semester.


University Honors and Leadership

CU Denver

1047 9th Street Historic Park

1047 9th Street

Denver, CO 80204


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