Faculty & Staff International Travel

​​International travel may pose certain unique and increased risks to the traveler and to the university. The Office of International Affairs is here to assist you with your international travel preparations should you need to travel abroad on behalf of the university for clinical practice, research, teaching, or other university business. All university travelers should acquaint themselves with the information provided below.


Considering International Travel

  1. Learn about the risks and security advice for destination countries via websites of the following: International SOS, CDC, US State Department, and other countries’ foreign offices, and news agencies.
    1. If you plan to travel to destinations with a U.S. Department of State travel warning, countries with a Center for Disease Control and Prevention health travel warning, or countries that are sanctioned by the United Statessend an email to the Office of International Affairs so that we may provide some guidance and additional resources for your pre-departure travel preparations.
  2. Learn about the entry and exit requirements of your destination country(ies). Some countries require that your passport remains valid for at least six months after your travel return date, and require a certain number of blank visa pages in your passport. Consult the destination country embassy for information or start with the U.S. Department of State website.
  3. Based on the risks, plan your logistics - including safe transportation options and safe accommodations. Plan control measures for risks, and plan support requirements to minimize your risk exposure.
    1. If you are unsure of appropriate risk mitigation procedures, contact the Office of International Affairs: +1 (303) 315-0036; irmc@ucdenver.edu.
  4. Be aware of your export control obligations. Review the Office of Regulatory Compliance website and contact them if further guidance is needed: +1 (303)724-1010; reg.compliance@ucdenver.edu.
  5. Understand that the University of Colorado has purchased blanket emergency medical and evacuation insurance for all of its faculty and staff travelers that are not traveling internationally with students. Learn more about the policy at www.geo-blue.com. The University Group Access Code is: QHG99999UCBT. Please note that this insurance policy does not cover pre-existing conditions nor routine medical care
  6. The following countries are considered high-risk travel. Travel to these countries requires further vetting by a subcommittee of the International Risk Management Committee (IRMC) and approval by the Chancellor or designee. Once you request travel to these countries through Concur, the subcommittee will receive a notice and reach out to you for additional information. The countries considered high-risk for personal health and/or safety are Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, China, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iran, Iraq, Italy, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Somalia, South Korea, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. We suggest you make your plans at least 60 days in advance as the review and approval process takes some time.
  7. Understand that the University of Colorado is a member of International SOS (membership #11BCAS000006). Thus, university travelers may use the International SOS website and services to gain general advice on medical providers, country-specific risks, or other issues requiring advice before or while traveling abroad. International SOS is not the university’s emergency medical nor emergency evacuation provider.

Travel is Confirmed

  1. Book travel with Christopherson Travel, the university’s preferred travel agent. Your itinerary will then be automatically uploaded into the CU travel database.
    1. If you do not book your travel through the university’s preferred travel agent, log on to International SOS with membership number #11BCAS000006 to log your university-related travel in the CU Traveler Database using MyTrips.
  2. If you are a U.S. citizen, enroll in the U.S. State Department STEP program. If you are a foreign national, enroll in your home country’s travel program if one exists.
  3. If appropriate, make an appointment with a travel clinic for immunization and prescription guidance.

30 Days Prior to Departure

  1. Identify in-country emergency contacts such as embassies, local police, medical facilities, and local contacts. Write these numbers on the tear-off portion of the International Travel Checklist.
  2. If driving an automobile internationally, purchase country-specific auto insurance for liability and physical damage. However, we do not recommend university personnel to operate vehicles while abroad.
  3. Prepare communication options that ensure your ability to contact emergency services. Consider unlocking your phone and purchasing a local SIM card, buying a cell phone in-country, or if telecommunications are difficult, bringing a satellite phone. Determine in advance how you will keep your phone charged.

15 Days Prior to Departure

  1. Save emergency contacts on your devices and create a non-electronic redundancy.
  2. Make copies of your passport and keep them in various pieces of luggage as well as an electronic redundancy. Give a copy of your passport to your U.S.-based emergency contact.
  3. Notify your credit card companies and bank as to where and when you will be traveling if you will be using their associated credit/ATM cards.
  4. Make copies of both sides of the credit cards/ATM cards you will take with you and keep them in several places, including electronically, so that you may contact the card providers in case your cards are lost or stolen.

Overall Considerations


Only use trusted internet networks. Change passwords before and after your trip. Clear the browser history and trash after each trip.​​


Your University property and foreign liability insurance plan(s) may not apply in all international locations and may not be applicable to some of your activities while abroad. It also does not apply to flight or other travel interruptions, cancelations, or delays. We recommend that you consult the University Risk Management website for additional information on these university insurance programs or contact Campus Risk Management at urmucddirs@cu.edu​​​


University travelers should be aware of important regulatory compliance requirements involving Export Controls (data, substances, software, technology), Sanctioned Nations or Sanctioned Individuals (regulations pertaining to communications and information sharing), and other compliance issues pertaining to Animal Research and Human Subjects Research. If you are planning research collaboration abroad you may also need to consult with Technology Transfer about confidentiality agreements, liability, or forward-looking collaborative agreements. Please contact the following University resources for advice on these issues:

​Office of Regulatory Compliance: (Contact Information)

Export Control and Sanctioned Nations


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Technology Transfer Office​

Office of International Affairs

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