A Semester of Fun
Intercultural Club Beijing

By Haiyue Liu
On August 23rd, the ICB Club cooperated with International Students Inc. (ISI) in holding the “2013 Welcome Party for ICB Students” in Tivoli Turnhalle. This activity happens at the beginning of each new academic year. The ISI prepared Chinese traditional food for the ICB students and fun games to break the ice. The president of the ICB Club introduced the ISI leadership members and the calendar of events of this semester to the students.
The ICB Club cooperated with Asian American Student Services in “Appetizer Around the World” activity on September 11th, aiming to raise cultural awareness and to promote diversity on campus. During the activity, the ICB Club taught American students how to make dumplings and shared several traditional Chinese snacks, such as candies and pancakes.
The ICB Club joined the annual Fall Fest activity on September 18th, and reserved a table on campus. Like other student organizations, they spread posters with club information and the semester calendar of events. The club also prepared name cards for American students, translating their names into Chinese and teaching them how to pronounce their new names. Many American students stopped by and communicated with club members. They were all very interested in learning Chinese language and more about Chinese cultures.
On September 24th, the ICB Club organized “2013 Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet” on campus, an annual event for the ICB Club. This year, they invited more than 200 attendees. ICB students gave a variety of performances during the banquet. The opening show was the song “Hug” by Cheng Zhang; he then sang “Missing You” with Zhengyu Yue and Zixuan Liu. Next, Xueyun Wang and Peiyao Liu sang “Reflection,” and Meng Yuan performed the song “Take a Bow.” The most innovative part of the banquet was that the club invited an American performer, Gordon Hamby, who is aiming to develop an intercultural communication platform for both American and Chinese attendees. To top it off, a hip-hop group danced their self-made number, “Lucifer.” Following this exciting performance, Junfei Tian and Shihang Sun sang Peking Opera. Liyao Lv and Xiao Xu sang “That Song” for the final performance.
On October 19th, when most students were in a pre-Halloween zombie crawl, seven ICB students participated in the tree-planting activity with the University Honors and Leaders (UHL) volunteers in the Waldo Canyon area, which suffered from a forest fire last year. Working with other American students, they seeded almost three acres and planted 147 trees in total. Yu Hua, one of the ICB students said after the activity, “In five years, those saplings will grow up taller and stronger. We wish to come back here in five years, not only to see the tree growth, but also to see how we have grown up from who we are now.”
The ICB Club launched the “2013 ICB Basketball Tournament” in November this semester! They invited four teams: ICB senior team, ICB junior team, Asian American Alliance and the Hawaii Club. The first round happened on November 1st in PE Center basketball court, and the final round was on November 8th. This was the first time for the ICB club to invite both Chinese and American teams to join the game. In the end, ICB senior team won the first prize, and the Hawaii club achieved the second.
November 12th brought the ICB Fall Event attended by students, faculty and staff. Seventy-seven ICB Merit Scholarships were disbursed to the Denver-based students. There were twenty-two third level awards of $1,000; thirty-three second level awards of $2,000; and twenty-two first level awards of $4,000. Congratulations to these high-achieving students!
Look for more ICB Club activities next semester starting with the Spring Festival event!
2013 ICB学生迎新派对
九月十一日, ICB学生社团赞助了由Asian American Student Services举办的环球美食活动。ICB社团设立了展位并准备了各种中国传统小食品,如:铜锣烧,大白兔奶糖,月饼等等。在活动中,ICB的工作人员还教美国同学包饺子
九月十八日,ICB学生社团参与了学校一年一度的Fall Fest活动并在校园里设立展位。和其他学生社团一样,ICB向路过的同学发放各种社团宣传材料。另外,ICB社团还为同学们准备了中国传统小食品。在宣传过程中,工作人员准备了名字卡片并为美国同学取中文名字,教他们简单的中文。很多美国同学对ICB社团的活动都很感兴趣并留下了他们的联系方式以便参加社团接下来的各种活动。
九月24日,ICB学生社团举办了“2013 中秋晚宴”。<点击阅读全文>
十月十九日,但许多学生在十六街参加僵尸游行的时候,7名ICB学生与University Honors and Leaders (UHL) 志愿者参与植树活动。其中一位同学,化雨,在活动之后回忆道:“我们在将近3英亩的地方种植了147课树苗。再过五年,这些树苗就会长大,我们希望五年后能回来看看它们,因为它们也见证了我们的成长。”
2013 ICB篮球联赛
2013 ICB优秀学生奖学金颁奖典礼
十一月十二日,学校的国际事务办公室(Office of International Affairs)邀请了文理学院院长和诸多专业系老师为77位在丹佛学习的ICB学生颁发了一年一度的优秀学生奖学金,其中22位同学活动三等奖学金($1000);33位同学活动二等奖学金($2000);22位同学活动了一等奖学金($4000)。祝贺这77位ICB优秀学生!
International College Beijing
Greetings from Jingxuan “Jasmine” Mo
Oct 21, 2021"Welcome, ICB Students! At CU Denver, you’ll receive a world-class education and the unique experience of studying and living in the heart of downtown Denver, adjacent to the nearby scenic Rocky Mountains. I hope you will enjoy and benefit from the education and community experience here to its fullest. And remember, we’re here to assist and support you!"Full story -
Play Ball! ICB Students Cheer for the Colorado Rockies
Oct 18, 2021ICB students in Denver cheered one of their new favorite baseball teams, the Colorado Rockies, at Coors Field. The ICB students joined fellow classmates from around the world for this international student event, one of many free activities organized for students by the Office of International Affairs.Full story -
ICB Graduate Fellowship Provides Support
Oct 4, 2021The scholarship, which was launched eight years ago, provides $5,000 annually to an outstanding ICB student who chooses to pursue graduate studies at the University of Colorado Denver. A wide range of graduate programs are available, including applied mathematics, accounting, finance, risk management, public affairs, communications, economics, business, biostatistics, clinical science, and many other degree programs.Full story