From Brazil to ESL Academy to MBA
Latin American Student Finds Great Educational Resources at University of Colorado Denver

Immersion in a quality English language program and immersion in a top-ranked business school and thriving business community formed the perfect combination for Brazilian student Gabrielle Mattioda. Mattioda, one of the first students in class on the opening day of the University of Colorado Denver ESL Academy, is pursuing her MBA in the university’s Business School and enjoying life in Colorado.
When asked why she thinks it’s important to have a global education, she answered: “We live in a truly global community these days, and the more we can understand and embrace these changes by pursuing a second language and actually learning to adjust to a new culture, the better positioned we will be in the marketplace.”
Learn more about the University of Colorado Denver and about Gabrielle’s educational journey:
Why did you want to enroll in enroll in the University of Colorado Denver? (And in this ESL Academy?)
The idea of studying in the U.S. came during my career transition process, which my goal was to improve my English which has become essential to be successful in my new area. At first, the idea was just to improve my English to better help position myself in the business environment, but later on I decided to extend my plans to do the MBA.
What degree program will (are) you pursue at the University of Colorado Denver? What interests you about this subject area?
I got the ESL (English as Second Language) degree and I am still working on my MBA (Business) degree.
The English course, ESL Academy, was a very interesting combination that was learning academic English being exposed to situations /materials that were common to Americans during their academic lives.
In the Executive MBA program, we learn how to connect each course to situations that we deal inside and outside the companies in a daily basis, we have a high selected and experienced group which allows learning from our professors and classmates, we also have to present weekly projects to demonstrate the applicability of what had being seen in the program to a current situation of a company. Anyway, we learn how to think strategically and make conscious business decisions.
How did you hear about the University of Colorado Denver?
I was already studying English in another school when I saw that the University of Colorado was starting the ESL program. I knew the great reputation from friends in the area.
What advantages are you finding in receiving an education in an urban American environment?
The advantages come in the form of being with native English speakers on a daily basis and immersed in a business community.
Why do you think it’s important to have a global education and a better understanding of another country?
We live in a truly global community these days, and the more we can understand and embrace these changes by pursuing a second language and actually learning to adjust to a new culture the better positioned we will be in the marketplace.
Describe your most memorable learning experience.
While getting my MBA, I took a high-level economics course where out of 34 students I placed in the top 5 in the class. As an international student this was a huge accomplishment for me and I was recognized amongst my peers.
While you have been earning your degree, what has been one of the biggest challenges and why? (for example: if it was mastering the English language—did CU Denver faculty and staff provide you with support and help? How? OR: if you had trouble with a particular subject, did the university connect you with a ‘study buddy’ or American student who could help you?)
One of the biggest challenges was adjusting to a new culture so far from home with the large volume of homework that we had to produce on a daily basis. The other challenge was in adapting to a more critical thinking environment where teachers expect you to not only learn the material but constantly apply the material to a real life situation.
In what ways can we help you to succeed while you’re at the University of Colorado Denver?
I know that CU offers a tutoring program, however the school does not provide a tutor for the students at the Executive MBA program. Offering a tutor for students that are enrolled on more advanced courses would be great. Another suggestion would be bringing the international students together on a more regular basis so that we can better connect with other students dealing with similar situations.
What cultural events and recreation do you enjoy in Denver and in Colorado?
Horseback riding, watching plays, shopping and spending time with my dog.
There are more than 100 student clubs on campus, and many are for international students—would you like for us to send you more information?
What do your friends and family think about your studying in America—do you think they are proud of your accomplishments?
They think that was a great opportunity for me to grow as a person and also professionally. They are very proud that I have been completing successfully all my courses.
Following graduation, what would be your “dream job”?
Working with an American based company that has operations in Brazil and a desire to grow in the Brazilian market.
After you graduate, would you for us to keep you updated on your colleagues, on new programs, events, and other international alumni?
Yes, it would be great to keep those connections.
What advice would you give to other international students who are considering studies at the University of Colorado Denver and in the U.S.?
Choose the program/course and city that best fit your needs. Learn how to deal with diversity and do not give up when the obstacles arise.
Artigo por Study in the USA ®
Por que você resolveu estudar nos Estados Unidos?
A ideia de estudar nos EUA surgiu durante o meu processo de transição de carreira, onde aprimorar o meu inglês se tornou essencial para ser bem sucedida na minha nova área de atuação. A princípio, a ideia era apenas de melhorar o meu inglês para lidar com o ambiente de negócios, porém decidi estender os meus planos para fazer o mestrado.
Por que você escolheu esta universidade ou o seu curso de inglês?
Escolhi o curso de inglês (ESL Academy) por ser um curso com uma combinação bem interessante: inglês acadêmico exposto a situações/materiais que eram comuns aos americanos durante suas vidas acadêmicas.
Já a escolha pelo Executive MBA Program na Universidade do Colorado surgiu pelo fato do programa lidar com situações reais que ocorrem nos ambientes de negócio. Diferentemente do que ocorre em outros MBAs em que em cada aula a pessoa aprende o material isoladamente, sem saber como isso se aplicará em uma empresa. No MBA Executivo aprendemos a fazer a ligação de cada curso com o ambiente empresarial, semanalmente apresentamos projetos que devem demonstrar a aplicabilidade daquilo que está sendo visto no curso a situação de uma empresa. Enfim, aprendemos a pensar estratégicamente e a tomar decisões seguras.
Do que você mais gostou de sua experiência como estudante nos Estados Unidos?
O fato de poder lidar com a diversividade em todos os aspectos.
Do que você sentiu mais falta de seu país?
Da maneira com que desenvolvemos um relacionamento mais próximo das pessoas no Brasil, e dos amigos e familia.
O que mais a surpreendeu em relação à vida e educação nos Estados Unidos?
A independência, praticidade, competitividade entre as pessoas, bem como o nível de exigência do sistema educacional americano, sem dúvida me surpreenderam. O conhecimento adquirido ao estudar numa universidade americana é infinitamente superior aquilo que obtemos nas universidades brasileiras.
Como você administrou:
…as diferenças no idioma?
Procurando estudar num bom curso de inglês.
… as finanças?
Fazendo uma boa análise dos custos antes de sair do Brasil.
… sua adaptação ao sistema educacional americano?
Uma coisa que tenho aprendido com o sistema educacional americano é a não procrastinar com minhas tarefas e a estudar o material antes da aula – e isso é um hábito que geralmente não temos no Brasil. O ritmo em uma universidade americana é bem acelerado e volume de material com que lidamos diariamente é enorme.
Em que atividades você participou?
Sempre que posso procuro viajar dentro e fora dos EUA. Além disso, tento participar das atividades, conferências, palestras que são oferecidas pela universidade.
Foi fácil fazer amigos nos Estados Unidos?
É fácil fazer amigos, porém a amizade que desenvolvemos com os americanos é mais superficial. Acredito que somos mais compreendidos quando lidamos com outros estrangeiros, principalmente com os latinos.
Quanto tempo você estudou nos Estados Unidos? Até que ponto tem melhorado seu inglês?
Já faz 1 ano e 5 meses que estou nos EUA e percebo claramente o quanto o meu inglês melhorou. Me sinto perfeitamente capaz de lidar com o inglês tanto em conversas informais quanto nos ambientes de negócios.
Quais são suas metas em relação à carreira profissional? Até que ponto sua educação nos Estados Unidos será útil para atingir essas metas e as necessidades de seu país?
Espero alcançar uma carreira executiva em uma empresa multinacional onde eu possa utilizar minha experiência como advogada e o conhecimento adquirido na área de negócios. Acredito que a educação adquirida nos EUA venha a ser um diferencial importante diante das situações em que somos expostas ao estudarmos fora do nosso país.
O que você aconselharia a outros estudantes do seu país?
Escolha o curso e cidade que melhor se adaptem às suas necessidades. Aprenda a lidar com a diversividade e não desanime com os obstáculos que surgirem.
International Admissions:
ESL Academy:
International College Beijing
Personalized Attention
Sep 21, 2021Questions were answered, academic guidance was provided, and helpful facts were shared as CU Denver faculty and advisors met with ICB students who had recently arrived in Denver. The students gained a better understanding of certificate program options such as health communication and mediation. They also found out more about communication pathways , including global and intercultural communication.Full story