Looking Back—Alumni Reunion at ICB

The alumni reunion was hosted on the fifth floor of the ICB building on March 26th, 2013, which was aimed at building a better understanding between alumni and seeking for more prospective students.
The event started with a warm welcome to alumni and teachers from all countries by the CU Denver student affairs director Joanne Wambeke, who then invited every teacher to do a brief introduction. Next, on behalf of ICB, Ning Wang gave her thanks to all guests for coming and asked everyone to write down their contact information for future communications. During the meeting, teachers and alumni got to know each other as well as enjoying a light meal and talking about their work. Some alumni met with their former classmates and talked about past stories in an active atmosphere. Everyone believed it was a meaningful reunion and hoped to have more events like it in the future. At last, the event ended in laughs. Our interviewee, Mr. Yong Niu said he had learned a lot in this reunion.
The alumni reunion was co-hosted by Ning Wang, The CLAS CU Denver director, current faculty, and alumni participated in this event.
International College Beijing
Personalized Attention
Sep 21, 2021Questions were answered, academic guidance was provided, and helpful facts were shared as CU Denver faculty and advisors met with ICB students who had recently arrived in Denver. The students gained a better understanding of certificate program options such as health communication and mediation. They also found out more about communication pathways , including global and intercultural communication.Full story