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Deadline Extension Accommodation

Students with an approved deadline extension accommodation through the Office of Disability Resources and Services have engaged in the interactive process by discussing the need and providing appropriate documentation to DRS. DRS has established a clear nexus between the disability related impacts and the accommodation. Accommodations are intended to mitigate institutional barriers to the educational experience.

As with all disability related accommodations, the deadline extension accommodation will be determined on an individual, case-by-case basis depending on:

  1. The student’s unique request or stated need
  2. The student’s disability and its impact, as reported by the student and in the related documentation
  3. The individual requirements, fundamental nature, and essential elements of each specific course and/or program; discussion between DRS and the course instructor is typically required to determine to what extent the deadline extension accommodation may be applied.

The length of the deadline extension depends on the student’s unique functional limitations and the nature of the assignment. Typically, for short term assignments with less than a week to complete the assignment, a 48-hour deadline extension is allowed without penalty, although instructors may discuss an alternative deadline with DRS should it be appropriate. A short-term assignment deadline extension is generally allowed when:


  • An assignment or assignment details were not listed on the syllabus initially and is assigned to students with one week or less to complete
  • The assignment deadline is listed on the syllabus, but students do not get the necessary information or instruction to complete it until there is one week or less to the deadline

If the student needs more than a 48-hour extension on a short-term assignment, they must contact their DRS Coordinator to discuss their unique request. The DRS Coordinator will need to discuss this request with the instructor before determining the length of the extension.


Consideration of deadline extensions on longer term assignments with more than a week to complete the assignment will require individual consultation between the instructor of the course and DRS. DRS may also need to consult the student.


Please consider the following guidelines when determining deadline extensions:

This accommodation is to be used when a disability-related concern arises. When an exacerbation of symptoms occurs, the student is responsible for communicating the need for an extension with their instructor before the original due date to discuss the extension, unless impossible due to circumstances such as hospitalization.


Deadline extensions are not automatically applied; therefore, the student must request an extension for each individual assignment. Students are encouraged to email their instructors and copy their DRS Coordinator so that the coordinator may assist with determining a reasonable extension and answer any questions. The accommodation is not intended to be applied retroactively. Instructors are not obligated to extend deadlines for previously missed assignments before the accommodation was approved, notification was sent, or the individual request was made.

This accommodation is not intended to cover situations such as work conflicts, personal issues, travel, etc. The deadline extension accommodation is not intended to be used on a regular basis. If the student consistently requests deadline extensions or is not able to meet the accommodated deadline extension, students are encouraged to meet with their DRS Coordinator for support.

Extensions may only be approved through the last day of classes. The deadline extension does not automatically permit an incomplete grade or extension after final exam week. If a student is concerned about their ability to meet all deadlines by the end of the semester, please schedule a meeting with the DRS Coordinator to create a plan for the remainder of the semester.

Deadline extensions may not apply to labs, group discussions, and group projects where an extension would delay the progression of other students in the course.

Deadline extensions may not apply to assignments which require timely instructor feedback. If feedback, such as an answer key, a review session, etc., is scheduled sooner than 48-hours after the original deadline and delaying answers will impact the progression of other students in the course, extensions may not be applicable or may need to be modified. The DRS Coordinator will need to discuss this request with the instructor before determining the extension.

The deadline extension accommodation does not apply to examination dates. All exams must be scheduled on the date of the in-class exam. Examinations can be scheduled on a different day and time only when approved by the instructor prior to the exam date. If a disability related circumstance prevents a student from attending an exam, the student should contact the instructor and DRS Coordinator immediately to determine how to proceed.

DRS strongly recommends that the student review their syllabi and work proactively with the office of Disability Resources and Services and the instructor.

The University and individual faculty members are not required nor expected to waive essential or fundamental academic standards or elements of a course regardless of the nature of a student’s disability.

Please contact DRS at 303-315-3510 with questions or concerns.

Disability Resources and Services

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


Fax (303) 315-3515

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