Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Welcome to the Reporting Website for the University of Colorado Denver|Anschutz Medical Campus  


With the consolidation of the Office of Analytics for Enrollment and Retention and the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness, all student-reporting needs can be accessed by going to the new Reporting website.

In collaboration with the Office of the Registrar and the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office, our team provides student-reporting services to both Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus. This allows for internal and external constituents to go to one place to request student-level and aggregated student data.

Our goal is to provide complete, accurate, and timely information for operational and business process use by schools and colleges, departments, administration, staff administrative offices, and internal and external academic-related organizations. As well as student data analysis to help inform university constituents. Release of information is governed by the Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act of 1974 (FERPA) and the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA).

Other University Reporting Resources

Please consider the following resources for other student data requests:

Reporting Library

A Guide to Pulling Your Own Reports

A web-based query system allows all authorized department staff of the University of Colorado Denver to easily access and retrieve commonly used student information and data at any time. The selection criteria can be customized to the specifications of the requesting department in a query form.

This library can be used for student level detail reporting. For all other student-level data not found in the reporting system, please contact​

Access Requests

If you do not have access to view these reports, you will need to complete a security access request form for reporting. The most recent process and form can be found at the Security website.

Do not use CU-Data Reports to: 

  • Store in any kind of database
  • Send it to any third party users 
  • Load in any unauthorized applications or surveys

Office of the Registrar

Located in Lynx Central

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


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