Evidence Based Practice

What is Evidence Based Practice?

A triple venn diagram with EBP at the intersection of best research evidence, clinical judgement, and stakeholder values and preferences

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the integration of:

  • Clinical expertise
  • External scientific evidence, and
  • Client, patient, and caregiver perspectives 

Evidence Summaries

The following documents contain titles and abstracts from peer-reviewed journal articles, magazine articles, academic papers, and conference proceedings. The intent is to provide some foundational information for the implementation of evidence-based practice. It is the responsibility of the reader to evaluate the sources and use their best judgement with regards to EBP applications. Please contact the SWAAAC Central Office if you would like to add an article or if you need assistance researching or accessing evidence on a particular topic. 

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)

CU Denver

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