Contact Betsy Metzger
betsy.metzger@ucdenver.eduThe University of Colorado post-tenure review is described in University of Colorado System Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 1022, which states: "Post-tenure review (PTR) is a summative evaluation over a five-year review period. The purposes of PTR are to facilitate continued faculty development and to ensure professional accountability to the university community, the Board of Regents, and the public."
These reviews are conducted by departments (i.e. primary academic units) and dean's offices, and submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs. After tenure is granted, there is an expectation of continued professional growth and productivity in the areas of scholarly and creative work, teaching (or librarianship for University Libraries faculty), and leadership and service. While in typical circumstances reviews will occur every five years, when it is in the best interest of the individual and campus, the faculty member may submit a petition to delay the post-tenure review for up to a year.
For the Denver Campus, after the award of tenure, a faculty member will be evaluated in a comprehensive manner every five years, unless interrupted by promotion review or leave. When promoted, the post-tenure review clock is restarted. Post-tenure review may also be waived if stipulated in an approved retirement agreement.
Each primary unit will have written guidelines that conform to the campus procedures and the CU Administrative Policy Statement. A primary unit's PTR guidelines shall describe the criteria that will be used to evaluate faculty and shall indicate what level of performance is required for a faculty member to be considered "meeting expectations" in different workloads. The primary unit PTR guidelines and criteria must be approved by the dean of the school/college and the provost.
Members of the faculty with full time administrative appointments are not subject to PTR. If the full-time administrative appointment ends, a PTR evaluation is required five years after the end date.
Post-Tenure Review Procedures
1. The PTR evaluation committee will ensure the faculty member under review provides the following:
2. If the faculty member has a Professional Plan, the committee will also review the plan as part of the PTR process.
3. The committee may request written evaluations from peers within or outside the faculty member's department.
4. The PTR evaluation committee will prepare a written report summarizing the faculty member's academic accomplishments.
5. The chair will submit the committee's written report to the department chair, who will forward it to the dean. A copy of the PTR report will be given to the faculty member and a copy placed in the faculty member's departmental personnel file.
6. If a faculty member receives a PTR summary rating of "below expectations" or "fails to meet expectations" in any of the evaluated areas, they must undertake a Performance Improvement Agreement (PIA).
7. Deans provide a summary report on the results of PTRs, as well as copies of the individual reports, to the Provost's Office. The Provost's Office submits a summary report for the campus to the System Office of Academic Affairs, who forwards the campus summary reports to the president and the Board of Regents.