Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Sep 20, 2022Cybersecurity Threat Prevention and Awareness Round Table, noon, Thursday, October 6.
Join us for a round table discussion with a diverse panel of security officers from across the CU campuses.
No registration required. Click the zoom webinar link to join at noon, Thursday, October 6:
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and information technology departments across all CU campuses are partnering together to bring information to help university staff, students, and faculty protect CU’s confidential information. With the rise in virtual learning and remote work over the last two years, cybersecurity has become a hot topic for everyone both inside and outside of information technology departments.
Many people wonder what they can do to reduce the risk of an incident and protect confidential information while working and learning in the new virtual climate. There are precautions every individual can take to protect the information that they access for the university, as well as their own personal information. Cybersecurity Awareness Month is educating all campuses on these methods, resources, and strategies.
Over the course of October, OIT will lead virtual webinars, games, and publish tips to share best practices for everyone to adopt to reduce the risk of a cybersecurity incident. Topics will include understanding and identifying phishing attempts, password protection, multi-factor authentication (MFA), knowing the classification and sensitivity of the CU data you manage and how to keep it safe, and more. Webinars will be recorded and made available online if you are unable to attend live.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month will kick off on October 3rd with a letter from President Saliman and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) David Capps emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. On October 6th, at 12:00 PM MT, CU Anschutz OIT will host the first webinar with esteemed panelists David Capps (CISO); Charlotte Russell (AVC of Security and Compliance Anschutz/Denver); Sarah Braun (Boulder ISO); Brad Judy (Sys Admin ISO); Sean Clark (Anschutz/Denver ISO); and Neil Kautzner (UCCS ISO). This webinar is a virtual Round Table Discussion and everyone, across all campuses, is welcome to attend and ask CU’s information security officers (ISO) their questions regarding the top cyber threats, ways the university is mitigating these threats, and how each individual can make an impact toward developing a more secure campus.
Visit the CU Office of Information Security website for more information.
Each week in October is dedicated to Cybersecurity topics:
Week 1: Recognizing phishing, which is still among the primary threats from cybercriminals
Week 2: Knowing the classification and sensitivity of the CU information you manage and how to keep it safe
Week 3: Creating strong, unique passwords and changing them regularly
Week 4: Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on personal device