Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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GitHub Enterprise

Category: OIT - Type of software Productivity and Business Statistical and Mathematical Audience: Faculty Researchers Staff
GitHub is a code repository service that allows developers to store, control, and share their code in a centralized location. OIT, in partnership with all other CU campuses, supports and manages a cloud-based GitHub Enterprise license as well as a CU Denver | Anschutz dedicated GitHub Organization. This service allows university developers (staff and faculty) to create, manage and leverage Public, Internal and Private GitHub Repositories.
Request Access

To gain access, send an email to the OIT Service Desk requesting access to the CU Denver | Anschutz Organization GitHub and an OIT team member will reach out to help. Be sure to provide all relevant information regarding your name, position with the university, and which campus you are on. 

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