Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Contact widget 


Need a way to show contact information on a page? This widget allows site builders to display up to 3 contact cards on a page. This is a reusable content type, so you can display these cards on multiple pages! 

contentTypeWidgetNOTE: This is a reusable content type widget, which means it is dependent upon content you've first created as a content type from the dashboard menu.




Ask a question

You need help. You're unsure how to do something. You're confused. You have a specific, detailed question.

Open Lab

You can get one-on-one help by signing up for an open lab session! 

Feature request

The current CMS just doesn't do it for you. You have a specific need that would improve Sitefinity for all users.

Enhanced Contact

Ask a question

You need help. You're unsure how to do something. You're confused. You have a specific, detailed question.

Open Lab

You can get one-on-one help by signing up for an open lab session! 

Feature request

The current CMS just doesn't do it for you. You have a specific need that would improve Sitefinity for all users.

How to

Create the contacts

The first thing to do for this widget is to create the content. After you create the content, you can then display it on a page. To do this, go to the dashboard and open the Content tab and then select "Contacts".

Click "Create a Contact Group" and fill out the required information. Be sure to only have one link per CTA button. When finished, save as a draft to come back later, publish to make the button available immediately or set up a published/unplublish date for the future (available under more actions).

Contact group details

Once the contact group is created, click on the title of the group to open it.

Select the option to "Create a contact". 

Create a contact button

Add a title (not displayed on page), headline (displayed on page), and text. 

Contact details

To add a button to a contact, fill out the button information (button text, link to internal or external page). 

Contact button details

Finally, save or publish the contact. Keep in mind that you can only display 3 contacts per contact widget.


Use the widget

Drag and drop the contact widget on a page. 

Drag and drop the contacts widget

Click Edit to select up to 3 contacts. If you need to display more contacts, drag another widget on the page. 

Click edit on the contacts widget on a page

Select which contacts should be displayed and Save. 

Select which contacts to display


Additional Information

Link Destination Indicators

Two button icons are available in this widget so you can indicate link destinations:

External site link indicator an external site

Password protected page link indicator a password protected page. (please note: this overrides external site if both options are checked)

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