Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Costs widget


This widget is great for displaying cost information like tuition, fees, memberships, and more. The cost widget is also a reusable content type. This allows site builders to display cost information in multiple places while only needing to keep the information updated in one area, ensuring consistency and accuracy of the information. 

contentTypeWidgetNOTE: This is a reusable content type widget, which means it is dependent upon content you've first created as a content type from the dashboard menu.


Tuition Fees


This is an example of the cost widget. These costs are in no way a reflection of real cost data at the University of Colorado Denver| Anschutz. 

Cost per credit


This is an example of the cost widget. These costs are in no way a reflection of real cost data at the University of Colorado Denver| Anschutz.

Student Fees


This is an example of the cost widget. These costs are in no way a reflection of real cost data at the University of Colorado Denver| Anschutz.

How to

Create cost content

Because this is a reusable content type widget, you first need to create a cost deck in the content tab on the dashboard. A cost deck is basically a folder for related costs that should be displayed together.

  1. Go to the dashboard, then open the Content tab at the top and select "Costs".
  2. Select the option to "Create a cost deck". 
  3. Give your cost deck a title and be sure to name it so that you can identify it later. Then Publish. 
  4. Once the deck is created, open the deck to begin adding items. 
  5. Select the option to "Create a cost".
  6. Add the required information. 
  7. Publish and repeat as necessary. Keep in mind that only three costs tabs can be displayed per widget.  


Use the widget

Drag and drop the costs widget on the page

Drag and drop the costs widget on a page

Click Edit and choose which cards to display under the Content tab. 

Cost widget content tab

Select the List settings tab to choose the sort order of your tabs. (Get instructions on how to manually order your items here.)

Cost widget list settings

You will not need to make any changes to the single items setting tab. Save your changes.

Cost widget single item settings

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