Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Form widget


Need to display a form with fields for users to complete?  The form widget is perfect for allowing users to contact you, complete a survey or register for an event.

contentTypeWidgetNOTE: This is a reusable content type widget, which means it is dependent upon content you've first created as a content type from the dashboard menu.


Sample Form

Is this your first form?
You're off to a great start! Just a few more questions.

Okay, you're doing great! Aren't you having fun?

(Just a few more questions, I promise.)

On what days of the week do you like to fill out forms?

How to

Drag the form widget from the right column onto the page and select a form to display.


Dragging form widget to content area


Then, choose Settings to:

  1. Enter a custom confirmation message and provide further instructions. 
  2. Select a redirect page where the user goes next.


Form widget settings

Additional Information


To maximize responses, limit the number of questions to the essential information only.


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