Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Hero carousel widget


Want to add multiple large, powerful images to the top of your page? The hero carousel widget is perfect for grabbing your audience's attention and showcasing multiple topics. Use this widget to express your organizational brand with strong visuals that represent your site, featured content, upcoming events and much more!


There are two modes of display for this widget. The examples below show a variation of simple view and advanced mode.

Simple View

Example Slide 1

This is example content for the subhead of this slide example.

This is a test button

Example Slide 2

This is example content for the subhead of this slide example with no button

Example Slide 3

This is a test button

Advanced View

Example Slide 1

This is example content for the subhead of this slide example.

This is a test button

Example Slide 2

This is example content for the subhead of this slide example with no button

Example Slide 3

This is a test button

How to

Drag the hero carousel widget from the right column onto the page and select Edit. NOTE: This widget should be used just below the top navigation, at full-width, spanning across the entire width of the page.

Drag the hero carousel widget from the right column onto the page

Choose the pixel height of the slideshow for desktop and mobile at the very top of the pop up window.

Select hero slideshow height

Simple View

Use the default settings, known as "Simple View" below, to add a simple title and a subhead overlay to each slide. Then choose settings related to auto play, button links and mobile treatment. 

Hero Carousel - Simple view, auto play, button links and mobile treatment settings

Choose images. Then add headlines, subheads and/or buttons on top of your images by selecting the Edit option to the right of each image.

Add up to six images and slides by selecting "Add carousel item" at the bottom.

Hero Slideshow Settings

Select Edit for each slide to select images, and enter the heading and subhead text:

Hero carousel image and heading settings

Fill in the button fields and Save:

Hero carousel button settings

Advanced View 

If you need more flexibility around the text color and positioning, as well as background color, turn on the "Advanced View ". Then choose settings related to auto play, button links and mobile treatment. 

Hero Carousel - Advanced view, auto play, button links and mobile treatment settings

Choose images. Then add headlines, subheads and/or buttons on top of your images by selecting the Edit option to the right of each image.

Add up to six images and slides by selecting "Add carousel item" at the bottom.

Hero carousel - current hero slideshow image settings and options

Select Edit for each slide and select images for desktop and mobile.

Hero carousel - image selector for individuals slides


Use the WYSIWIG editors to customize title and subhead:

Fill in the button fields and Save:

Hero carousel button settings

Additional Information


Image size should be at least 1600 pixels wide. Always use landscape orientation.

Hero Slideshow Arrow

Reorganize your slideshow by using the arrow (^) on the far right side of your slides.

Hero Slideshow Minus Button

Delete slides by selecting the minus (-) on the far right side.


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