Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Documents list widget


Need to display a list? The list widget is perfect for posting simple bullet points or lists with additional information. There is a variety of design options with six templates to choose from!

contentTypeWidgetNOTE: This is a reusable content type widget, which means it is dependent upon content you've first created as a content type from the dashboard menu.


Anchor list template

List item one

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet cheesecake ice cream cotton candy candy pudding soufflé chocolate bar powder. 
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List item three

Muffin cheesecake gummies biscuit pastry toffee oat cake. Liquorice chocolate cake marshmallow ice cream sweet marzipan cheesecake jelly beans.
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List item two

Toffee croissant chupa chups icing macaroon pie. Marzipan oat cake jelly-o gingerbread chocolate cheesecake dragée jelly macaroon.
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Card list template

@Web Example List

List item one

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet cheesecake ice cream cotton candy candy pudding soufflé chocolate bar powder. 

List item three

Muffin cheesecake gummies biscuit pastry toffee oat cake. Liquorice chocolate cake marshmallow ice cream sweet marzipan cheesecake jelly beans.

List item two

Toffee croissant chupa chups icing macaroon pie. Marzipan oat cake jelly-o gingerbread chocolate cheesecake dragée jelly macaroon.

Expandable list template

@Web Example List

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet cheesecake ice cream cotton candy candy pudding soufflé chocolate bar powder. 
Muffin cheesecake gummies biscuit pastry toffee oat cake. Liquorice chocolate cake marshmallow ice cream sweet marzipan cheesecake jelly beans.
Toffee croissant chupa chups icing macaroon pie. Marzipan oat cake jelly-o gingerbread chocolate cheesecake dragée jelly macaroon.

Expanded list template

@Web Example List

List item one

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet cheesecake ice cream cotton candy candy pudding soufflé chocolate bar powder. 

List item three

Muffin cheesecake gummies biscuit pastry toffee oat cake. Liquorice chocolate cake marshmallow ice cream sweet marzipan cheesecake jelly beans.

List item two

Toffee croissant chupa chups icing macaroon pie. Marzipan oat cake jelly-o gingerbread chocolate cheesecake dragée jelly macaroon.

Page list template

Simple list template

@Web Example List

  • List item one
  • List item three
  • List item two

How to

The List widget is a reusable content type. This means that all of the items displayed with this widget have to first be created in the "Content" area at the top of your dashboard. The follow steps will walk you through creating a list. 

Create a list

From your Sitefinity dashboard, click the "Content" tab located at the top of your webpage and select List. 

List content type


Click the option to "Create a list". Give your list a title and click the "Create" button.

Create a list


Click the option to Create a list item.

Create a list item



Give your item a title and add text. Publish and repeat as needed.

List item details

Display a list

Drag the list widget from the right column onto the page. The entire list library will appear.

Drag and drop List widget on the page


Choose Edit. Select which list you want to display; you can narrow the list down by filtering. Then, choose how you want the list to display by selecting a sort order and template.

List widget properties

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