Oct. 15 to Oct. 17, 2024: Colorado Free Application Days

Submit your application to CU Denver between Oct. 15 and 17 and your $50 application fee will be waived.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Website Health Checks

CU Anschutz OIT’s Web Services and Web Development/Operations teams offer website health check services for Sitefinity websites at no cost to CU Denver and CU Anschutz departments. Website health checks are a great opportunity to evaluate what’s working and not working with your website and to receive recommendations for improvements.

Website Health Check Process


Web Analytics Support and Consultation

Our Web Analytics Support Specialist provides data and analysis about how your website is performing and whether it is achieving your department’s objectives and targeted audiences. Services include:

  • Setting up access to Google Analytics, a tool for historical reporting of users, pageviews, and specific interactions on your website.
  • Reviewing your GA3 and GA4 dashboards for tracking and monitoring and creating customized data visualizations.
  • Setting up access to Siteimprove, a tool to improve accessibility, readability, and quality assurance.
  • Reviewing the Siteimprove dashboard and how to make changes to your website to improve performance.
  • Reviewing SEO after website changes have been implemented.

Information Architecture/UX Consultation

Our UX/IA Designer assists you with re-evaluating and making changes to your site’s navigation and selecting page layouts (including the homepage) to improve user experience and user engagement. Services include:

  • Designing a new navigation and IA structure based on best practices, competitor site analysis, and your specific site’s goals and needs.
  • Homepage (and other select site pages, based on need) redesign guidelines for best user experience, with a focus on layout and content organization.
  • Usability testing, which can be incorporated before making any changes to your site, during the design phase, and after your site has launched. Usability testing ensures that you are making the most impactful and meaningful changes to your site’s structure, layout, and content by testing real users and gathering both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as user feedback on the site’s look and feel.

Design Consultation

Our Visual/UI Designer offers advice on site construction and assists as you build out the first few pages of your site. Design consultations can be a single meeting or recurring touchpoints. Services include:

  • Widget Selection: Sometimes the best choice for displaying your content isn’t the most obvious. We’ll help you decide which widget to use and show you how to best use it.
  • Page Layout: Our different template options offer various benefits. We go over how to position your items on the page for the best UX. White space, padding, margins.
  • Image Selection and Optimization: Choosing the best imagery for your content. Where/when to use images. How to optimize them for the web.
  • Mobile Experience: Ensuring your content is usable and accessible for phones and tablets as well as on desktop.
  • Design Enhancement: Once the basic design foundation is established, we can help explore various customizations using Bootstrap and Utility classes.

Web Accessibility Review

Our Web Accessibility/UX Developer will review your site to identify updates needed to align with web accessibility standards and best practices.

  • Accessibility considerations/consultation during design phase.
  • Comprehensive accessibility review for WCAG compliance for pre-launch or launched content. Includes automatic and manual testing of web content, color contrast analysis, focus and tab order testing, analysis of proper alt text and aria implementation, keyboard only usability testing, mobile and screen-reader usability testing.
  • Reviewing any flagged Siteimprove accessibility issues.
  • Providing a list of recommended action items if any are discovered.


Request a Website Health Check

Email websitehelp@ucdenver.edu and provide your website’s url to request website health check services. Our Web Customer Success & Training Professional will coordinate the process with you and our team. Please note that we have limited capacity to support multiple website health checks at a time.

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