Wellness Center is Open

The Wellness Center is open despite the Auraria Campus weather delay.

See Our Closure Calendar Here




Diandra Walker

Coordinator of Health Promotion and Engagement


Diandra Walker joined the Wellness and Recreation Team in November 2024. Prior to working at CU Denver, Diandra worked in the athletic department at the University of Colorado Boulder for three years in different capacities including in their Psychological Health and Performance Center. In graduate school, Diandra served as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Office of Multicultural Student Life, where she supported students of Color through various programming and initiatives to cultivate belonging. 


She received a dual bachelor's degrees, Bachelor of Science in Education in Exercise Science and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Dayton. She received a Master of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport Psychology and Motor Behavior from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She is currently a graduate student, pursuing her master's in clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Colorado Denver. 

Incorporating Wellness

To me, wellness includes more than just the physical aspects. Holistic wellness should incorporate mental, social, spiritual, ect. It's a balance to find a way to incorporate each of these into my routine to ensure you can show up as my best self every day. 

How I can help

I hope to be a source of support for all students. Wellness, and wellbeing, should be something everyone can attain, and I'm here to help you find what wellness strategies work best for you. 

headshot of Diandra Walker

Wellness & Recreation Services

CU Denver

Lola & Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center

1355 12th Street

Denver, CO 80204


303.315.WELL (9355)

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