Approximately 50,000 People records have been unpublished in Sitefinity in an effort to improve performance and prepare data to be migrated to the upcoming Web Bio content type.
As a site builder, you may find that a record you were using on your website has been inadvertently unpublished in this effort.
To restore the needed data, simply republish the record following these steps.
Sign in to Sitefinity
Go to the Dashboard
From the Content menu, click People
Unpublished records will say “Scheduled publish on 27/09/90 underneath the person’s email address. The Publication Date will say 27 Sept, 2090.
Search for the needed record, Email address or Last name are good pieces of data to use in your search
Check the checkbox next to the needed record, use the More Actions button and select Publish
Records were selected for the un-publishing process based on whether or not extra data had been added to the record. To keep your records from being unpublished make sure to add some extra information to the record.
Edit the record
Add something in the Personal Information section:
Publish the record