Information for Students and Sponsors
The Bursar's Office Third-Party Billing Team administers tuition/fee arrangements between Third-Party Billing Sponsors and the University. A third-party entity is defined as an individual, private, government, state agency, or other outside entity that will assist in paying for any portion of your tuition and/or fees AND request a bill directly from the University. Examples include military tuition assistance, State Vocational Rehabilitation, workforce centers, etc. Third-party billing Sponsor Payments are subject to the same Federal Reporting requirements as other financial aid.
The only exceptions are the following sponsors: Americorps, VA Chapter 31/Chapter 33, and CU Denver K-12 Outreach Students.
Since the Third-Party Billing Team helps other university departments with the administration of their student's educational benefits, these students will need to contact their respective university departments to begin the Third-Party Billing Sponsorship Process:
External government entities or organizations that do not require an official invoice from the Bursar's Office may be administered by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Offices (FASO). If you are unsure if your payment is a scholarship or a sponsorship, please, contact us via email at
The Third-Party Billing Team will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the specific billing requirements of sponsors. Students are expected to provide any documentation, corroboration, or notifications required by their sponsors
that are outside the duties and responsibilities of the Third-Party Billing Team.
The team reserves the right to deny any billing authorization(s) that does not adhere to the guidelines listed under "What Information is Needed to Set-Up or Maintain a Tuition/Fee Third-Party Billing Arrangement?" in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this webpage.