Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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The Impacts of Withdrawing

What happens when you drop all of your courses?

Federal Title IV financial aid is awarded to you under the assumption that you will attend school for the entire period for which the aid is awarded. If you drop from one or more courses but remain enrolled in at least one course, CU Denver must determine whether you began attendance in all courses for which aid was awarded.

If you drop all of your courses after the term begins, the amount of financial aid earned must be determined. Students who withdraw from all classes may only keep the federal financial aid they have "earned" up to the time of withdrawal. If you received unearned aid, student aid funds credited to your student account will be adjusted, and there will likely be an outstanding balance on your student account that you will be obligated to pay.

The university is required to perform a federal Return to Title IV Aid (R2T4) calculation at the time that you withdraw to determine the amount of aid you earned and the amount that must be returned to the federal aid programs. This federal requirement applies when you officially or unofficially withdraw.

In the event that you completely withdraw, drop out, are expelled, or otherwise fail to complete a term for which charges are incurred, the University will first determine whether you had any course activity, such as attendance, submitted assignments, or took an exam, in all the courses for which aid was awarded. If you did not have any course activity in all courses, the university may be required to recalculate the aid for which you were eligible and return some aid to the federal aid programs.

In addition, if you withdraw during the fall semester, any spring semester aid will be canceled and you must notify the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office of your intent to enroll for the spring term in order to have aid re-awarded for the spring semester. Please note that grant aid originally awarded may no longer be available.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Located in Lynx Central

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


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