Kali Karakasidou | Office of Information Technology
Oct 13, 2021
New features:
Hover Card Widget: this new widget, similar to cards/enhanced cards, allows for an image to be uploaded, and when hovered over via mouse, the image will interactively change to show another image or some text/caption of the initial image. For a guide on how to use this widget, you can visit this AtWeb page.
Enhancements to current functionality:
Ability to upload custom images to Facts & Figures widget: we have created the ability for site builders to upload their own images to F&F if there is a desire.
New color combinations for arrow elements: for the accordion and FAQ widgets, site editors can how select new color options for the arrow elements.
50 MB size limit for videos: site builders will no longer be able to add videos to Sitefinity that are larger than 50 MB. If you have videos that are larger than 50 MB, please switch them over to YouTube or Vimeo no later than Dec 15, 2021. For more information on videos in Sitefinity, you can visit this AtWeb page.
Academic Program Detail view: this release includes a few enhancements to the AP detail view -- a new, optional, text box for course descriptions; making "sample courses" field optional to show; and, a customizable header for "sample courses".
Research & Creative Projects: we have eliminated the requirement for a start date so instead of picking it from a calendar, you can simply just enter it as "Date//Month//Year").
Web Biography "Prior Experience" category: we have added a new optional category to the web bio content type called "prior experience" for information regarding a person's professional history.
Block-quotes & testimonials: we have added end quotes to both block-quotes in the content type as well as testimonials.
Ability to hide or show title of an RSS feed: site builders will now have the option to show or hide the title of an entire RSS feed. For how-tos on how to do this, you can visit this AtWeb page.
Noteworthy bug fixes:
When an image gallery slideshow is dropped in the main container, it does not stretch full width when published
Advanced Hero Image doesn't have a fade background for templates that don't have an opaque background
Remove scrolling when an accordion is collapsed
Multiple featured tabs on same page with same labels don't function properly